Zen Garden
Wooden Decorative Candles
Woodpecker Door Knocker
Indoor Mailbox
Easy Chair Mouse Table
Book Rack
Picnic Caddy
Old Fashioned Wall Box
Three Legged Heart Stool
Cranberry Scoop
Toy Sled
Place Card/Ornament/Coaster
Candle Holder
Door Harp
Heart Picture Frame
Tooth Fairy Keepsake Box
Small Folding Table
A Small Stool
RunnerDuck Note Pad
Candle Gift Box
Shoe Shine Planter
DVD Storage Cabinet
Folding Shelves
Windsor Chair Rockers
Curtain Rods
Picture Shelfs
Paint Storage Box
Wine Rack
Storage Stool
Sundial Stand
Silverware Organizer
Round Patio Table
Screen Door
Bathroom Cabinet
Sewing Cabinet Redo
Indoor Greenhouse
Cedar End Table
Glider Deck Chair
Spice Drawer
Coat Rack
Break An Egg

Landscape Projects

Garden Projects

Wood Shop Projects

Kitchen Projects


Bird Houses, Etc.

Other Stuff

Woodworking Sites
Zen Garden

Zen Gardens are relaxing, spiritual, interesting and down right fun to play with. This is a very easy project and makes a great gift.
Wooden Decorative Candles

These Decorative Wooden Candles are fun to set around for decorations or for gift giving. They are easy to make and are a fun family project.
Woodpecker Door Knocker

We are always looking for projects that parents can help their kids make. Not only is it fun but the children can learn a lot of skills. This Woodpecker Door Knocker project is just one of those projects. The skill level is low and the results are really rewarding. They are fun to hang on your house and also very nice as a gift.
Indoor Mailbox

When we have outgoing mail we usually lay it on the hall table which doesn't look very good and sometimes gets lost in the shuffle. To help resolve this problem we came up with a neat little inside mailbox. It's simple, good looking and functional.
Easy Chair Mouse Table

This is a really easy project that will probably take some creativity on your part. There are a number of ways you can approach and design this project but I'll share what I did to get you started.
Book Rack

These adjustable bookracks look nice and do a good job of holding books in place. They don't hold a lot of books but they are easy enough to make that you can make several. This would make a great gift for someone who's into reading or has lots of recipe books that they like to keep close at hand.
Picnic Caddy

Last week we made the napkin holder for those upcoming outdoor picnics. Continuing on with that theme this week we will make a Picnic Caddy. It's a handy caddy to carry all your picnic supplies to the table.
Old Fashioned Wall Box

This project comes from Marilyn's dad Frank who actually built it many years ago. I have no idea where he got the plans but it's a simple and nice looking design.
Three Legged Heart Stool

Here's another one of those simple projects that look great and the results are especially fun for little kids. This simple little stool gives children a place to sit and join in with the adults when everyone is sitting around having a good time.
Cranberry Scoop

Cranberries are in season and you will need a scoop to make sure you get every last one. Well not really, this is a decorative scoop that is based on some designs I've seen of old cranberry scoops.
Toy Sled

Continuing with our Holiday toy making, this sled is really a wonderful little toy. It's great for pulling your favorite Teddy Bear around in the snow, or just hanging on the wall.
Place Card/Ornament/Coaster

This project is a Three Fer project. You get three for the price of one. We are going to make a place card for the dinner table, a Christmas tree ornament and a coaster. This is really simple and just in time for that Christmas dinner or party.
Candle Holder

This project if for a wonderful little candle holder. We made it from a scrap piece of Walnut that we had lying around. It will take some imagination (or not) to really make it unique.
Door Harp

I always wanted to make a door harp but just have never gotten around to it. I tried to find plans on the web but everyone was selling them. I decided to design my own and share it with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
Heart Picture Frame

For Valentine's Day or any special occasion
this really nice heart shaped picture frame. It's fairly simple to make and is a very nice gift. You may want to make several.
Tooth Fairy Keepsake Box

Some people don't believe in the tooth fairy but if you do here's a great place to put your tooth and for the tooth fairy to put your reward. When the day comes that you're not loosing any more teeth it makes a great little keepsake box.
Folding Table

Marilyn thought it would be nice to have a little folding table for when we are camping. A place to sit our frosty mochas when we wind down from the days activities. Not only did the table need to fold up but it also need to be light. I think this simple design accomplished both.
A Small Stool

Marilyn made a suggestion that we needed a small foot stool in our camper trailer. That got me thinking that it needed to be small and light. As it turns out this stool would be great for a small person sitting next to the campfire or it would look great on the deck with flower pots sitting on it. How every you use it we think it will be a nice addition.
RunnerDuck Note Pad

Marilyn came up with this cute idea for a note pad and I liked it, so I made it. A lot of times that's how we come up with our projects. We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did.
Candle Gift Box

What a great idea, a gift box that converts into a candle holder after the present is removed. This is a simple project to build and even more fun to give.
Shoe Shine Planter

Flower planters placed around the yard are always fun, especially when they have a little character to them. We think this shoe shine planter does just that.
DVD Storage Cabinet

The design features of this DVD Cabinet are three drawers to hold DVD's and a large open space in the bottom to hold the subwoofer of our sound system.
This was my first endeavor into making a piece of furniture. There was a lot more to it than I first thought. I copied from existing pieces of furniture that we have so that it would match. The biggest challenge was matching the stain. All in all I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out and I think you can make one too.
Folding Shelves

This project was sent to us by Joe in Michigan who has previously contributed to our newsletter with his Stool project. You may remember that nice little stool from our September 10th, 2004 newsletter. This project is a nifty folding shelf that looks nice and folds up to be stored.
Marilyn is really good at decorating the house for different occasions. She has lots of neat stuff that she puts out for Valentine's Day, Easter and other holidays. Sometimes it would be nice to have a shelf to put the extra stuff on and other times it would be nice to have the shelf out of the way. This project fits the ticket perfectly.
Windsor Chair Rockers

First off you are probably going to say "shouldn't the name of this project be a "Windsor Rocking Chair"? Well before you get too excited and let this project scare you away, we are only making the rockers for an existing chair. We had a swivel rocker that didn't fit well in our house so we gave it away but were left with nothing to rock on. We had a nice Windsor chair but really wanted a rocker so I created my own. This project rocks :-)
Curtain Rod

We were remodeling our bedroom and needed some curtain rods. It seemed like a good opportunity to design and make something that would really fit our room.
This project is one of those idea projects where we leave the design up to you. We'll give you the steps we went through to help make your project a little easier and pointing out some of my tips and tricks.
Picture Shelf

Picture shelves are a cool way to display pictures as opposed to hanging them on the wall. It makes it easy to rearrange the pictures when you want a different look. This is another one of those projects that will change depending on what size your pictures are, what type of molding you choose to use and other factors. I'll just show you how I made mine and you can go from there.
Paint Storage Box

Our grandson, Hudson, celebrated his third birthday this month and the theme was "Party Like Curious George with Paint". While he's a little young for this gift we figure it's something he'll have for many years. Who knows, one day he may even become a famous painter! It's a box to store all his paint brushes and some paint.
Wine Rack

I had been looking for a wine rack that was functional, stackable and attractive. I couldn't fine what I was looking for so I designed and built my own. I hope you like this project and find it useful.
Storage STool

We have a small 5th wheel camper and storage is always a problem. I thought that if I had a small foot stool to prop my feet on when I watch TV it would also make another place to store stuff. It's a pretty simple design and it gave me the opportunity to use the biscuit cutter I got for Christmas.
Sundial Stand

This project started when we got a sundial and needed a place to put it. I came up with this design when I was watching the Fraiser TV show. They had a piece of furniture in the living room that looked like it would work great for our sundial.
Silverware Organizer

This is a pretty simple project but it sure does make things a lot nicer in the kitchen. We just moved into a new house and there were no silverware organizers in the kitchen drawers. We tried one of the universal plastic organizers but it was just too flimsy. We tried shopping for a prefabricated plastic or wood tray but couldn't find anything that would fit. So I cranked up the table saw and in a couple of hours had one that was just perfect.
Round Patio Table

Here's another neat project sent to us by Bob B. from Glen Rose, Texas about 60 miles south west of Fort Worth. Bob made a couple of different versions of this table and liked this one the best. They are very stable and heavy so they do not tip over easily, even with rambunctious kids around.
Screen Door

We have been wanting a screen door on our front door for some time now but coming up with the right design took a while. We wanted a screen door that was more like the ones we remembered when growing up rather than some plastic or metal manufactured door. We definitely wanted it to be able to slam and hopefully squeak. We didn't want any fancy closers but instead just an old fashion spring.
Bathroom Cabinet

We have a small master bathroom and needed some more storage space. The logical place ended up being above the toilet. Rather then just bolting a cabinet to the wall I wanted a little more style and this standing cabinet seemed to fit the bill just perfectly.
Sewing Cabinet Redo
We had this old sewing machine in a cabinet that was in really bad shape. I always had visions of restoring it someday but upon closer examination it looked like more work than it was worth. I did some web searching to find out the value of the machine and cabinet and discovered that in the current condition it was worth somewhere between $0.00 and $10.00. Even in excellent condition it would only be work $100. We decided instead to make it into a table with a drawer.
Indoor Greenhouse
We struggled with what to call this project, is it a greenhouse or an atrium. Because it's not sealed or intended to create its own weather we called it a "greenhouse".
This greenhouse was designed to fit on top of the sewing cabinet we recently converted, www.runnerduck.com/sewing_cabinet.htm. Because it is specifically for that I've left off most dimensions and given you more of a concept and guide. You can use your own dimensions to fit your table. I'll point out the particular problems that I had as the project progressed.
Cedar End Table

These Cedar End Tables have a very nice style. The radius edges and rounded ends give them a very soft appearance. They are easy to build and are very functional.
Glider Deck Chair

I have looked at many different deck chairs and glider chairs and always wanted to build a couple. I finally bit the bullet and designed one that I really like. Making them out of clear cedar was very nice but quite expensive in today's wood market.
Spice Drawer

We recently purchased a new fifth wheel travel trailer and have been making improvements to it. Some of the cubby holes that were built in are pretty much useless. There were three such cubby's that were crying out for some improvement.
After studying the situation we decided that they would be a perfect place to store spices if there were some drawers there. I took measurements and went to work in my woodshop.
Coat Rack

Our new fifth wheel trailer is really nice and well appointed but it didn't have a coat rack. Inspired by a similar coat rack we saw at a restaurant I set out to make one. This is not a simple project but when complete it's well worth the effort.