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Picnic Caddy
     Last week we made the napkin holder for those upcoming outdoor picnics. Continuing on with that theme this week we will make a Picnic Caddy. It's a handy caddy to carry all your picnic supplies to the table.

We start by cutting a 1/2" veneer plywood base 8 1/2" X 11".
For the sides and dividers I used Fir MG Beaded Ceiling Tongue and Groove, 5/8" X 6" X 7'.
Cut two pieces 12 1/8" long with a 45 degree cut on both ends. Be sure to keep the tongue and groove details matched for each outside piece.
Cut two pieces 9 5/8" long with a 45 degree cut on both ends. These will form the outside of the box. You might want to match them up to your base and trim as necessary.
You could eliminate the 45 degree angle and butt joint the pieces but the 45 looks a lot nicer.
Cut two dividers 6 1/8" long and one divider 11 3/8" long.
Cut these three divider pieces down to 5 5/16" high.
Set your table saw with a 9/16" wide dado blade to cut a 3/8" deep groove.
On one 12 1/8" side cut two grooves. One 4" from the end and the second 8 1/2" from the same end.
On the 11 3/8" piece cut two grooves. One 3 5/8" from the end and the second 8 1/8" from the same end.
On the two short ends, 9 5/8", cut one groove 2 3/4" in from the end. Be sure to mirror the two parts so the beading of the wood is on the same sides.
Before putting the pieces together I stained them separately.

Exploded Picnic Caddy

Glue and nail all the pieces together.
To make the handle supports cut two pieces of wood 1 1/2" wide and 10" long.
Drill a 5/8" hole 3/4" down for the top of each piece.
You can round the ends to make them look a little nicer.
Center and attach the supports to each end of the caddy.
Cut a 5/8" dowel and put it through the handle supports. You can drill and pin it into place with a finish nail or cut the handle a little long, drill holes just beyond the handle supports and drive a small piece of wood dowel through to keep the handle from coming out.
Picnic Caddy

That's it! Put some finish on it and go have a picnic.

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