The next stop was a music and art fair in Tierra Del Mar. It’s a tiny little village right on the Oregon coats. It’s really fun to see a community get together and put on an event like this. There were may be a hundred people milling around which probably represented 75% of the population. There were some very nice art and craft exhibits and live music.
It was now time to actually hit the beach. We haven’t walked on the beach since we’ve been here so was over due. We drove around for a while looking for the state campground but ended up being further than we cared to drive. We turned around and headed back south toward Pacific City. We pulled over along side the road right next to the beach. Up and over a little sand bar and we were walking on the beach. It’s a very long beach with lots of activity. There was kite flying, shore fishing, picnicking and people just out for a walk. The only bad thing about this beach it there wasn’t any drift wood along the shore and therefore not very good beach combing. We walked around for a while just enjoying the surf and fresh air. Marilyn wrote an I Love You note in the sand that I liked a lot because it was for me.

Marilyn writing a love note in the sand
Then it was back to camp and Mocha time. We had a nice supper and just kicked back for the evening. All in all a very nice day.