August 3, 2001 - Cloudy, heavy rain at night, highs mid 60’s, lows low 50’s.

     We left Kirkland at 6:00am and drove southwest for seven hours, 300 miles. Arrived at Thousand Trails campground in Pacific City, Oregon at 1:00. It was a fairly uneventful trip except for one really bad accident we got held up for and two wrong turns. In Portland we missed a turnoff so ended up going farther south than we had planned. That wasn’t a big deal since the total distance was about the same. The second turn we missed was do to the computer-generated directions. They said to turn on Sandlake Road and we never found Sandlake Road. We went past a sign that pointed to Sand Lake but no road sign. We only went about six or seven miles before we decided to turn around and try the road we passed. Sure enough that was the right road.

Pacific City
Pacific City

     The campground is located just outside Pacific City which is a really small oceanside town. There are a few gift shops, two gas stations, hardware store and grocery store.

Thousand Trails Campsite
Pacific City Thousand Trails Campground

     The campground is very nice and wooded. There are some areas that are more open but we chose the woods.

Thousand Trails Ocean View
Pacific Ocean from Thousand Trails club house

     Basically we just set up camp and walked around a little bit. The weather was threatening rain and sort of cool, about 58° F. Since we are going to be here for a few days there was no rush to get out to the ocean.
     We had our iced mochas at 5:00, a late dinner and then played Myst until bedtime. Not a real exciting day but it was planned as a travel day anyhow.

On to day two.

Back to the travelog page.


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