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RunnerDuck Raised Bed Project

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

     During the design process of our landscape project we agonized over a path that would lead to the garden. Ken wanted a path and Marilyn didn't want anything. Ken's concern was that the grass would get beaten down over time and we would have a path any how. Ken won out with a compromise and here it is.
     We made a flat rock path imbedded in the grass. It was really quite easy and we both like the results. First we went to our favorite landscape supplier and got a load of flat odd shaped rocks. There are many different kinds to choose from and we picked some that would go good with the rest of our landscape. They should be at least 2 inches thick and a little thicker is even better.
     Lay out the rocks in a pattern where your path will go. Allow about 1 to 2 inches of space around and between each rock. This will give your grass a place to grow. Once you have them looking the way you want start cutting around them with a knife. Cut straight down about an inch further than the depth of the rock. Dig out the cut area with a small spade or scoop.
     Place about 2 inches of sand in the bottom of the cutout. We used playground sand which you can get at most any hardware or garden store. Put your rock into the sand and wiggle it around to seat it. Check the height and if it's too high remove a little sand and if it's too low add a little. Since the rocks will settle over time it's better to have them a little high but no more than a 1/2 inch. If you get them too high you could be tripping over them.
     Once they are all in place run some water over them to settle them down. Stand on them and wiggle back and forth to make sure they are really solid. You may have to add more sand around the edges.
     After a period of time the grass will grow in close to the rocks locking them in place. To make ours stand out when I mow the yard I set the mower at the lowest setting when I go over the path. It sort of sets is off and looks nice.

Rock Yard Path

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