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This project appeared in our July 2, 2004 Newsletter.

Outdoor Candles

     Summer is a time for outdoor parties and a great way to dress them up is with these Outdoor Candles. They are pretty and give off just enough light to create a perfect mood.

Here's what you'll need:

Any size jar, mayo, peanut butter, pickles...
Colorful tissue paper.
Decoupage medium.
Ribbons or decorative edging.

Clean the jar really good to get all the sticky label glue off.
Cut the tissue paper so that there is about 1/4" overlap when wrapped around the jar. Make it long enough to cover from the bottom of the threads to around the bottom about 1/2".
Apply decoupage medium to the jar.
Apply the paper to the jar while the decoupage is wet. Try to keep the wrinkles to a minimum.
Paint the overlap area of the paper to glue it down.
Paint the entire outside of the paper.
Glue trim onto the top edge of the jar around the outside.
Put a candle inside the jar and you are ready to go. You can use a votive candle or put some sand in the bottom of the jar and put a taller skinny candle in.

Have a ball and make a bunch of them. Your party guests will be dazzled!

We hope you liked this project. If you build it and your friends ask where you got such a clever idea, please tell them that you got it at

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