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RunnerDuck Raised Bed Project


     Now that we have or mountain located we brought in 110 yards of dirt to create it. Next we need to dig the trench for our river and pond.
     We saved ourselves a lot of digging by building up dirt on both sides of the river to give it the required depth.
     For the pond we dug a big hole and used the dirt from it for part of the mountain. We thought we had dug a big enough hole but after the project was all done it really wasn't deep enough. We were digging in hard pan so it seemed like the hole was three feet deep when it was only about 18". The problem with a shallow pond is that it is more difficult to maintain.
     Since we have such a long way to pump our water we felt that putting a pump in the pond would empty it before the cycle of water would start flowing back into the pond. What we did was dig a large sump to hold the water. Next week we'll get into the problems we had with the sump.


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