With winter coming fast it's a good time to crank up the table saw and make some indoor projects. This weed whacker stand is very simple to make and really makes a neat way to store you weed whacker and the accessories that go along with it like ear protection, eye protection, gas and oil. The materials you'll need for this project are as follows:
- 4 feet of 1" X 8" cedar or similar wood.
- Some screws.
- 18" of 1/4" dowel.
Cut the back 22" long. Cut a top shelf 12" long. Cut the weed whacker support 6" or bigger to fit your weed whacker. Cut four supports 3 1/2" X 3 1/2 X 45 degrees. Cut a notch in the weed whacker support about 2 2/1" deep and wide enough to fit the width of the weed whacker shaft. Align two of the supports and drill a 1/4" hole through both of them. Use these two supports for the bottom shelf. Mount them flush with the edge of the back and about 6" up from the bottom. Screw the weed whacker support to the two brackets. Put the 1/4" dowel through the holes in the supports. Mount the top shelf high enough to clear the weed whacker engine using the two remaining shelf brackets.That's it! Screw it to the wall and hang up your weed whacker and supplies.  |
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