It's time to get out in the wood shop and start making those great Holiday gifts for your kids and grand kids. This weeks project is simple and yet will give hours of pleasure to that special little someone in your life.
![]() 6" X 36" X 3/4" Pine or other soft wood. 3" X 14" X 1/4" Oak or other hard wood. 1/4" X 3" Dowel. 2 leather patches from a fabric store, oval at least 4" X 6". Wooden Ball with a 3/8" hole in it. 3/8" by 18" dowel. Glue. Acrylic white paint. Acrylic orange Paint. Fine tip black marking pen.
Using the pattern at www.runnerduck_toy_pattern.htm, trace the body onto a 3/4" piece of Pine. ![]() Trace two wheels onto a piece of 3/4" pine. Cut these out being very careful to keep them round. Trace the wings onto 1/4" Oak and cut them out. Sand and smooth only the outside edges of the wings. Leave the insides with sharp edges. Sand the body and smooth all edges. Using a router put a 1/4" to 1/2" radius on both sides of each wheel. Drill a 1/4" hole 3/4 of the way through the center of each wheel. Cut a notch 1/2" deep on each wheel. This notch needs to be just wide enough for the leather. It's best if you have to force the leather into the crack a little. ![]() Drill a 9/32" hole in the body where indicated on the drawing. Align and glue the wings onto the body. ![]() Paint the body white and the wheels orange. Paint on the beak and eyes. Trace the feet onto the leather patches and cut them out. Glue the feet in opposite directions on each wheel. Cut the 1/4" dowel just long enough to go through the body, bottom out in each hole plus an 1/8". This should allow the wheels to turn freely. Glue and press the 1/4" dowel into one wheel. A 1" nylon washer on each side is a nice addition. Now put the shaft through the body and glue it into the other wheel. Be sure to align the wheels so the feet are one at the top and the other at the bottom. All that's left is the push handle. Make it out of 3/8" dowel. Depending on the size of the person you are making it for cut it between 12" and 18". Drill a 3/8" hole along the back about 7 1/2" up from the tail. The hole should be at about a 45 degree angle and 1" deep. Glue the handle into the body and glue the ball onto the handle. You can paint the handle first or just leave it natural. Have fun making this toy and even more fun giving it to that special child.
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