Ladybug Refrigerator Magnet

     If you remember last week we made a tall ship out of walnut shells. If you were successful at cracking open all the shells you should have one half shell left over since we used seven halves for our ship. Not wanting to throw anything away how about a Ladybug Refrigerator Magnet?
      CAUTION: Hot melt glue can burn you so you should get the help of an adult with the hot melt gluing so you don't burn yourself.

Here's what you'll need:
1/2 Walnut shell
A cotton ball
A piece of card stock or heavy paper
Hot melt glue
1/2" wide magnetic strip
Red paint
Black felt
Goggle eyes
If you don't have 1/2 a walnut shell carefully crack open a walnut so that you have a perfect half.
Clean out and eat the walnuts.
Paint the shell red. It may take a couple of coats to get it good and red.
Put the shell down on the card stock and trace around it, then cut out the pattern.
Glue a cotton ball inside the shell and glue the card stock to the bottom of the shell and the cotton ball. The cotton ball gives the card stock a little something more to stick to.
Cut out some small black felt dots and glue them onto the shell.
Cut out a half circle of black felt for the face.
You can either glue the goggle eyes onto the black felt or cut out small white felt circles for the eyes. Add a couple of really small black dots to finish the eyes.
Cut the magnetic strip to about 1/2 inch square and glue it in the center of the back of the ladybug.

Ladybug Refrigerator Magnet

There you have it a really neat ladybug for your refrigerator. Now go add it to all the other neat stuff attached to your refrigerator.

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