Tomorrow is Groundhog Day and if you don't have a groundhog how is he going to see his shadow? Well this weeks project has the answer. We're going to make a Groundhog Pop-up.

Here's what you'll need:

  • A paper or plastic cup
  • A picture of a groundhog
  • Scissors
  • A small stick or dowel
  • A piece of cardboard
  • Tacky Glue
  • Crayons or paint
Cut a round hole in a piece of cardboard to fit snuggly against the top of the cup. This will be the ground where the groundhog sees his shadow.
Paint or color the cardboard to look like grass.
Find or draw a picture of a groundhog. This can be difficult but there are many places like web sites and clip art. You can print a front and back copy of a groundhog from our web site at and
Cut out the picture of the groundhog.
Cut a small stick or small dowel about one foot long.
Punch a hole in the center of the bottom of the cup just big enough for the stick.
Glue your groundhog to one end of the stick.
Put the stick through the bottom of the cup and you are ready to check for shadows.

Groundhog Down

Groundhog Up

On the morning of February 2nd take your Groundhog Pop-up outside and see if he casts a shadow. If he does it will scare him back down into the hole for another six weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow spring is on the way.

Thanks to Sister Susie for this fun project.

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