Calendar Pictures with Frames

     It's time once again to take down last year's calendars and hang up the new ones. It seems such a pity to throw out all those beautiful or funny pictures. Turn them over to the kids to cut out and frame.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Scissors, plain and fancy.
  • White Glue and Tacky Glue.
  • Framing materials that match your picture.
  • String for hanging the picture up.
  • Cardboard
You will need to use your imagination a little bit on this project but the results can be lots of fun for people to look at.
Cut the pictures you want out of the old calendar.
You may have to glue those pictures onto cardboard to give it strength.
Start framing your picture with something that compliments the picture.
Below you can see where we put pine branches around a rustic western picture. You could put small toy cars around a racecar picture or sticks around a campfire scene. How about seashells around a picture of the beach? Again, use your imagination, be creative and have fun.
Calendar Picture with Frame

Another thing you can do with the pretty calendar pictures is make a school book cover using a grocery bag and then glue the calendar picture onto the cover.

Thanks to Tammy for this neat project.

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