I guess it's the warming weather and the Crocus flowers that are already starting to come up that has us thinking about butterflies. These butterflies are easy and fun to make and can be used for hair clips, pins and mobiles.

Here's what you will need:

  • Wooden clothes pins, you can get different sizes at craft stores
  • Colored tissue paper
  • Sticky glue

Cut two sets of wings out of colored tissue paper using the pattern you can find on our web page at www.runnerduck.com/images/butterfly.gif. The pattern is half of what you cut. Fold your two pieces of tissue paper in half and cut the pattern.
Slide the middle of the tissue paper wing into a clothespin and crunch it up a little.
Glue it into place using sticky glue.
You can add antenna using silk flower parts.

Clothespin Butterflies

     Send us a picture of your creation and we'll post it on our web page at RunnerDucklings Kids Corner.

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