RunnerDuck Projects
Garden Tool Protection

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This project appeared in our May 21, 2004 Newsletter.

Garden Tool Protection

     By now you should be spending more time in the garden. It's always better to use tools that are clean and work good. This handy tip will help you keep those steel tools in perfect condition all season long.

Here's what you'll need:

A container large enough for all the tools you will be using. I used a plastic beach pale.
Clean dry sand, enough to fill your container.
Clean motor oil, about 1/4 cup per quart of sand.
Start with clean dry sand and fill your container a little at a time mixing in the oil as you go.
Keep it in an area that will be out of the rain. Under your potting bench or inside a tool shed would be good places.
Place your tools into the sand when you are done using them. Not only does the oil keep them from rusting but the sand helps clean any dirt off.
If you wash your tools with water before storing them be sure to dry them off before putting into the sand.
This is a simple project but the extended life you get from your garden tools will be a long lasting benefit.

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