RunnerDuck Projects
Suet Bird Feeder

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This project appeared in our December 31, 2006 Newsletter.

Suet Bird Feeder

     Winter is here and the birdies are hungry! It gets harder for the birds to find food in the winter but you can help. These easy to make suet feeders work really good and they make nice presents too. Just because the gift giving season is over is no reason to stop making and giving presents :-)

Here's what you'll need:

  • 1/2" square wire mesh
  • Wire cutters
  • Small chain
  • Cable ties
Safety Note: Be careful, the sharp ends of the wires can scratch you!

Cut the wire mesh to fit the suet as follows:

The main body should be 24 squares by 12 squares.
Sides - 9 squares high by 9 squares wide.
Ends - 3 squares wide by 9 squares high.
Bottom - 3 squares by 9 squares.
Top - 3 squares by 9 squares.

Cut the sides, ends and bottom as shown below:

Bend using a pair of needle nose pliers or a wooden 2" X 4" and a hammer. Make the bends a sharp 90 degree bend.

Using the cable ties attach the edge of the side to the back.

Using the cable ties attach the bottom to the back.

Using the cable ties attach the top to the back but only along the back edge. The top acts like a lid to keep the suet in so the bigger birds can't pull out big chunks.

Trim all the long tails on the cable ties flush with wire cutters.

Attach a chain to opposite corners of the top, this will help it hang straight.

Put the suet in, close the lid and hang it up. Wait for the birds to show up and enjoy the show!

We hope you liked this project. If you build it and your friends ask where you got such a clever idea, please tell them that you got it at

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