RunnerDuck Projects
Potting Stakes

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This project appeared in our February 28, 2003 Newsletter.

Potting Stakes

     Here's a great idea if you are going to start potting some plants. One of the questions that always comes up is what's the best way to mark what you've planted. We think that these potting stakes are simple, look nice and work great.

Here's what you'll need;

  • Some small branches from a tree.
  • A sharp knife. If you are having your kids do this be sure and supervise them in using a sharp knife.
  • Permanent marking pen, fine point.
Cut your twigs approximately 6" to 8" long.
Whittle a point on one end. It doesn't need to be really sharp unless you are planting in hard pan ;-)
Whittle a flat spot near the other end. Only go about 1/4 of the way through the stick.
Using you permanent marking pen, write the name of your plants.
Now stick them in the ground along side your seeds and you'll know what they are when they start coming up.

Simple but effective. Now get out there and start planting. If you're looking for a cold frame to do your planting in, we have the free plans on our web site at

We hope you liked this project. If you build it and your friends ask where you got such a clever idea, please tell them that you got it at

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