RunnerDuck Projects
Garden Art Wind Chimes

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This project appeared in our May 23, 2003 Newsletter.

Garden Art Wind Chime

     Here's another one of those projects that requires a degree of creativity. The picture doesn't show ours really good but at least it may give you an idea.

Here is a list of the things you will need.

  • Just about any old garden tool or item that will make noise when they bang into one another.
  • A hand garden rake, three prong.
  • Fishing line.
Use the hand rake as the main support for you wind chime. It works better if you can bend the middle tine back. Ours was too thick and we couldn't bend it.
Using the fishing line attach all the neat stuff you found to the hand rake. Make items at different heights so that they will bang into each other.
Hang it up and wait for the wind to blow.

The more creative you are the more comments you'll get. We hope you enjoy the sounds of these wind chimes.

We hope you liked this project. If you build it and your friends ask where you got such a clever idea, please tell them that you got it at

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