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      It seems appropriate with the cherries coming into season that we find you a great cherry recipe. Here's a recipe Ken dug out from his mom's old recipe box. It actually is from Ken's grandmother and we have no idea where she got it. It is very old and is absolutely wonderful.

  • 1 1/2 Cups Sugar
  • 1 Heaping Tablespoon Flour
  • 2 Cups Cherry Juice
  • 2 Cups Cherries

  • 1/4 teaspoon Almond Extract
  • A pinch of Salt
  • Bisquick biscuit mix.

Combine Sugar, Flour and Cherry Juice, stirring constantly until thickened.
Add Cherries, Almond Extract and Salt.
Pour in the bottom of a 9" X 13" greased pan and drop 12 *biscuits on top.
Bake at 425 degrees F for 20 to 25 minutes.
*Use the recipe for shortcake from the Bisquick box.

You can serve it hot or cold it's great either way.

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