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     Last week we completed the cold frame and this week we have a modification for it. Frank, my father-in-law, thought some simple modifications would make it better and I agree.
     Bending over to work in the cold frame can be a pain in the back for some people so Frank added legs to his. The first thing he did was added a bottom made from 1/2" plywood. I would recommend marine grade but regular plywood should last a long time.
     You'll have to cut out the corners to allow the legs to stick up into the box to tie into the corner supports. Screw the bottom to the box using deck screws.
     Using pressure treated 2" x 2"s he raised it up about 3'. Cut your legs long enough for them to stick up into the box, about 40" should do.
     Attach the legs to the corner supports of the box using deck screws. For added strength you can always add some glue.
     One other modification Frank made was to add a little heater to his cold frame. Here in Washington and in many other parts of the country there is a short growing season and it's good to get a head start on seedlings. He drilled a hole in the side of the box and ran a heater cord through the hole and around the bottom of the box. This seems to add just enough heat to keep it around 50 degrees F overnight.

Thanks for the tip Frank.

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