Cold Frames are great for getting an early start on spring planting. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be made from old framed windows and scrap wood. Our cold frame is made from cedar and structured polycarbonate. Here is a picture of what we hope it will look like when we are finished. I thought we'd start off with a shopping list so next week we could start cutting and building. The box will be made from cedar 1" x 10". I made my cold frame 2' x 4' so you'll need 2 six footers. The lid is made from 2" x 2" cedar or pressure treated lumber. We put in a center support piece so we will need 2 eight footers. We'll use the extra pieces to make support corners in the box. For glazing I used 6 mm (1/4"), clear, structured polycarbonate. It has great thermal characteristics to help better protect your plants. You can get this from plastic suppliers but you may have to shop around a little. If you don't know what it is, it looks like clear cardboard. It has two sides to it and a corrugated center. Be ready for sticker shock because this stuff is about $42.00 per 4' x 8' sheet. You can always make your lid out of Plexiglas or glass but be sure to use tempered glass if you do. A couple of hinges, a lid brace and some deck screws are all that's left. So get out there and go shopping. Next week, The Box!
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