September 26, 2003

RunnerDuck Home

WELCOME BACK:   Eee Haa, summer is back here in the Great Northwet! What a week we are having for the first week of fall. The temperatures this weekend are supposed to even reach 80 degrees F. I think it's time to take the boat our for a spin to test the repairs we did two weeks ago. We're hoping that we have the heating problem on the port engine fixed but won't know until we actually get out on the water. What a great excuse to take the boat out on a wonderful fall weekend.

Sunday we plan on taking our camping trailer from Sandy Point back to Port Susan, the camping club we belong to. Because of all the work we did up at Sandy Point this summer we've totally neglected Port Susan. We're sure the weeds, pine needles and moss have totally taken over. We won't have much time Sunday to get the place back together but might get a small start on it.

We mentioned it once before but if you don't have kids in school and can travel now is an excellent time to do it. The campgrounds are much easier to get into, the traffic is much lighter and the weather is great! An added side benefit of traveling this time of year is all the beautiful fall colors. The higher in elevation you go the brighter the colors are. Fall usually starts a few weeks earlier in the mountains than it does in the low lands. So get out there and enjoy the season.

We're thankful that our friends and family back east weathered the storm with very little inconvenience. Their power went out a few times and lots of trees were down but nothing that was a direct hit on them. While many others faired much worse we hope that all of you in the area were spared much damage. Let's hope that that's the last hurricane of the season. Now just smooth sailing through the fall.

We are currently in discussions with several crafters to sell their art pieces on our web site. Stay tuned for further updates as we finalize things. If you are a crafter who would like to sell their creations through our web site please drop us a line and we'll see what we can do. We currently only have one persons crafts on display, Ron Godin, but would love to add more. Check it out at
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Ken and Marilyn

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What's New This Week? This isn't necessarily new but we'd like to mention it again since it's been a while. We don't make any money from this newsletter but we sure to put a lot of effort into it. We know that you all enjoy it by the many wonderful comments we get. We also get a lot of referrals which is the best form of compliment.

To help us out a little bit we'd like to ask a favor. When you go to buy something on line swing by our web site first. We have several stores set up that have lots of great stuff. There are books, music, kitchenware, gardening and more. If you are like us and buy stuff from, please swing by our site first on your way there. On our home page scroll down and click on the Amazon link in the middle of the second page. This takes you directly to Amazon where you can start your shopping. What this does for us is gives us a tiny commission on everything you buy. It does not add any more to your costs and it really helps us a lot.

Remember, going shopping on the web? Stop by first! ! !
Thank You


      I tell you the email just keeps getting more treacherous every single day. The amount of spam, virus laden email and cons are really on the rise. Two recent emails we've received are particularly disturbing.
First we got a very official looking email from what appeared to be Microsoft, it wasn't. There is a blue banner across the top with "Microsoft" in it and several links to the right. The email talks about downloading and installing the latest patches. The only problem is that when you click on the links it installs a virus in your computer. Now that's what I call dirty pool. If you want to install the latest patches from Microsoft, which you really should do, then go to their web site and install them from there. DO NOT try to install any Microsoft patches from an email.
The second email was from what appeared to be Ebay, again it wasn't. This one had the Ebay logo on it and looked very official. They said that my account was in jeopardy of being cancelled and I needed to send them the following information. It had boxes for me to enter my account name, password, Social Security number, credit card number, address, etc. Since I know that Ebay would never solicit this sort of information through an email I didn't fall for it. Don't you fall for it either! One of the things that tipped me off was that the email was from I don't think Ebay would misspell "security".
Keep a keen watch on your email, it's a very slippery slope out there.


     As many of you know we like things celestial and talk quite a bit about planets, the International Space Station and other astronomical phenomena. One thing we haven't mentioned is alien space craft. You know, flying saucers and little green, big eyed men. While Area 51 has always been a fascination and it's fun to think about the possibilities of life from outer space real proof is hard to come by.
This week's site muddies the water a little more as to whether there really are E.T.'s out there. has a collection of UFO art that is quite incredible. It's categorized into Artwork A.D., Artwork B.C., Pre 1974 photographs and Hoaxes and Misinterpretations. It's truly amazing how much information Matthew Hurley has pulled together. It has to be a labor of love. We hope you find this web site as interesting and thought provoking as we have.


Fall Leaves Book Mark

     Now that you are back in school you are probably doing lots of reading and have lots of assignments. These book marks look really great and will help you keep your place. This project uses scissors so please get some adult supervision when cutting out the felt.

Here's what you'll need:

Felt, fall colors
Small hair clips
3" X 5" Cards or heavy card stock
Tacky Glue

There are a lot of different ways to make this project. I'm sure you will figure out which way works best for you.
You can use stamps to imprint a leaf onto a piece of felt or you can draw a leaf. It needs to be about 1 1/2" to 2" long.
Cut out around the leaf.
Glue the leaf to another piece of felt that's a different color.

Cut a piece of 3" X 5" card a little smaller than the back piece. This is to make the bookmark a little stiffer.
Take another piece of felt about the same size as the background and glue the card and clip onto it. (see picture)
Glue the top piece onto the back piece making sure that the top of it covers the top of the clip.
Cut around the leaf leaving about a 1/4" border.

I know this sounds a little confusing but I hope the pictures will help. They are fun to make and work really good. Try different shapes like pumpkins. They also make nice gifts for your best friends at school.

     We hope you enjoy Marilyn's Corner and look forward to all the fun things she brings you each week. If you have a fun project that would be suitable for our newsletter we'd love to share it with our readers. Just contact and we'll do the rest.

Remember we have all of our past projects archived on our web site at Just click on the Projects or Kids Only Eggs.

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      It's the Geoffrey Giraffe's Birthday Sale! Get free shipping on everything in our LeapFrog Store. Plus, buy any two LeapFrog items, and get the third free. Don't miss this chance to celebrate and save.

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The Tempos
News and CD of the Week

We thought it would be fun to bring you some more music humor. Theses song titles come from Jeffery F. in Texas.

Subject: Favorite Country Western Titles

I'm So Miserable Without You, It's Almost Like Having You Here

Four on the Floor and a Fifth Under the Seat

If You Can't Be Good, Be Bad With Me

How Can I Miss You if You Won't Go Away?

Welcome to Dumpsville, Population Me

If Love Were Oil, I'd Be a Quart Low

My Phone Ain't Been Ringing, So I Guess it Wasn't You

Is It Cold In Here, or Is It Just You?

We Used to Kiss on the Lips, But It's All Over Now

Thank God and Greyhound She's Gone

How Come Your Dog Don't Bite Nobody But Me?

You're the Reason Our Kids Are So Ugly

You Were Only a Splinter as I Slid Down the Banister of Life

I Fell in a Pile of You and Got Love All Over Me

My Wife Ran Off With My Best Friend, and I Sure Do Miss Him

If You Want to Keep the Beer Real Cold, Put it Next to My Ex-Wife's Heart

She Looks Good Through the Bottom of My Shot Glass

If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead?

I Still Miss You Baby, But My Aim is Getting Better

I'll Marry You Tomorrow, But Let's Honeymoon Tonight

     The Tempos big swing band is available for hire. If you have a special event that could use the wonderful music of a classic sixteen piece big band be sure to contact We perform all over the Seattle area for all sorts of events.

Artie Shaw - still as feisty as ever! I got the following from my friend Jeff F.

A story in the Los Angeles Times today reports on Artie Shaw, 93, being honored in Westlake Village as he was presented with the James Smithson Bicentennial Medal for his contributions to music. Shaw lives in Newbury Park, about 5 miles from my house and occasionally pops up in the news. This time he was presenting two of his clarinets, which have remained dormant and unplayed since 1954, to the Smithsonian in Washington. Artie's hearing and eyesight have been deteriorating lately and he is wheelchair bound, but his mind is still active as well as his aversion to stupid questions from the press. Here are some exchanges that were reported in the Times:

Q: "What's the difference between you and Benny Goodman?"
A: "Well, I'm alive."

Q: "What's so special about this clarinet you're donating?"
A: "It's not the clarinet. It's me."

Q: "Why did you switch from alto sax to clarinet?"
A: "I was playing and recording in studios around New York - we had to run from program to program - and I was always having to run around with my sax, and, well, the clarinet weighs less."

When asked why he left the U.S. in 1954: "I could no longer stand the fulminating of McCarthy, so I went to Spain. Five years later, someone told me 'It's better now,' so I came home, and the first thing I heard was Lawrence Welk on TV."

Despite all his infirmities, Artie remains Artie.


Remember, we have a link on our web site,, to our ever popular Grammy® Shopper site. If you haven't been there yet just click HERE to see all the 2003 Grammy® winners complete with links to purchase any one of them.


      Fall is here and the leaves will soon be falling. When I was growing up everyone would rake the leaves into big piles and burn them. I always sort of liked that smell but with all the environmental concerns they don't let you do that much any more. We how have yard waste pick-up to hall all of those leaves away. We think we have a better suggestion. Use those leaves for winter protection on the plants you've pruned back and for compost. Rake the leaves onto the flower gardens and it will work like an insulating blanket. As the rains come the leaves will compress down and become compost in the spring. Ken's dad use to do that with the Fuchsias that he had planted it the ground and it worked great.

If you have a conservation tip please send it to and we'll post it in our newsletter.


Coffee Cake
      There are lots of coffee cake recipes out there but we think this one is particularly good.


  • 3/4 Cup Sugar
  • 1/3 Cup Flour
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup Butter
  • 1/2 Cup Nuts (optional)


  • 1 1/2 Cups Sifted Flour
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons Baking Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 Egg
  • 3/4 Cups Sugar
  • 1/3 Cup Melted Butter
  • 1/2 Cup Milk
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla

Mix first three ingredients in a bowl.
Cut in Butter with a fork. Mix until crumbly.
Use less then half to cover the bottom of a 9" pan and pack down.
For the Batter, sift Salt, Flour and Baking Powder together and set aside.
Beat Egg until foamy, beat in Sugar and Butter until blended.
Add Milk and Vanilla.
Blend in Flour mix and pour into pan.
Sprinkle the remaining Topping on top.
Bake at 325 degrees F for 40 minutes.

This will perk up any breakfast or mid morning break.

Remember, if you have a recipe you'd like to share please send it to

     Every month we post a new recipe on our web page. Be sure and check out the September recipe at the RunnerDuck Kitchen Store.
We'd be happy to post your favorite recipe there or in our newsletter and give you credit. Just drop a line to


"Scones, Muffins, and Tea Cakes: Breakfast Breads and Teatime Spreads" by Heidi H. Cusick

To compliment our fabulous coffee cake recipe this week we found this great cookbook. Dani Crum from Alice Springs, Australia reviewed this cookbook and wrote the following. This book is fabulous! I've made most of the scone recipes and am starting to work my way through the muffins and tea cakes. I usually bring the results in to work, and everyone (Australians and Americans, both) loves the dishes from this cookbook. In addition, the recipes are straight forward, nicely illustrated, and easily lend themselves to experimentation. An excellent book for anyone who likes to bake quick breads of any type.


Be sure and visit the RunnerDuck Cookbook Store for other great savings on cookbooks and cooking supplies.


If you've never visited's kitchen and house wares department you are missing a bet. They have some great daily deals just waiting for you. Click on the link above to check them out.


5 Drawer Tool Box

Circa 1940's

This week we've added the hardware to the shopping list and cut the panels to size.

Here's what you'll need.

1/2" Oak 204" X 6"
1/2" Plywood 2' X 2'
1/4" Plywood 2' X 6'
1/2" Maple 19" X 72"
1/4" Maple 5" X 60"

We ordered all our hardware from Rockler and it arrived within a week. They had what we needed and their prices seemed fair. To place an order with them just click on the link above and enter the SKU numbers below.

Brass Plated Corners
1 package of 4 SKU 27508

Leather Handle
1 each SKU 90255

Brass Plated Unpinned Loops for Leather Handle
1 pair SKU 90241

Brass Plated Classic Oblong Catches
4 each SKU 89921

Butterfly Hinges
1 pair SKU 25783

Tool Box Lock
1 each SKU 79236

Briefcase Support
1 each SKU 34090

Brass Plated Locking Drawbolt
1 pair SKU 53538

As I mentioned last week this project will take a while. First there were the glue-ups that we started last week. After you've glued up the panels you need to clean off all the glue on the joint. The best tool I've found for this is a scraper. You can purchase scrapers at most any of the woodworking stores like Rockler or you can use the blade of a plane. Just drag the scraper toward you along the glue joint. Take nice smooth long strokes and don't get in a hurry. Depending on how well you aligned the seams it could take lots of scraping.

Once you have the glue scraped off and the wood evened a little bit you could use your power planer but be careful not to remove any material past 1/2".
With Oak I also like to sand it a little before I get too far into the project. This gives you a pretty good head start on finishing once the project is together. Be very careful not to round any of the edges while you are sanding.
Now we're going to cut the box pieces to size.

Cut the following Oak panels from you 1/2" glue-ups:

Bottom - 18 3/4" X 8 1/4"
Middle Shelf - 18 3/4" X 8"
Top - 19 1/4" X 8 1/2"
Front - 19 1/4" X 5"
Back - 19 1/4" X 13 1/8"
Sides - 8 1/4" X 13 1/8"

Next week we will route all the edges and details into them.

We hope you enjoy our projects. Remember, if you ever have any problems with our projects just drop us a line and we'll try to help. Since we build every one of these projects we have a pretty good idea of how to get through them. We also make lots of mistakes so we can help avoid them. If you have a project that you would like to share please send us an email and we'll help get it published in the RunnerDuck review. We are looking for woodworking, gardening, crafts and kids projects so send us your thoughts at .

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Roger H. one of the trumpet players in The Tempos sent us this riddle.

See if you can figure out this riddle before you read the solution. This is a detective story so pay close attention!!!

Three elderly ladies are excited about seeing their first Cardinals baseball game. They smuggle a bottle of Jack Daniel's into the ball park. The game is real exciting and they are enjoying themselves immensely mixing the Jack Daniel's with soft drinks. Soon they realize that the bottle is almost gone and the game has a lot of innings to go. Based on the given information, what inning is it and how many players are on base?


Think some more!!

You're gonna love it......

Answer: it's the bottom of the fifth and the bags are loaded........

     If you want to talk about something just drop us a line at any time, we like to talk about most anything. We are always looking for content for our newsletter so if you have something to add we'd love to publish it. Assuming it meets our strict family oriented requirements!

     If you forward these newsletters to your friends just send us their email address and we'll do the rest. Remember, we never share our email list with anyone, period! Just drop me a line or go to our registration page and sign up your friend.

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