April 2, 2005

RunnerDuck Home

WELCOME BACK:  SPRING AHEAD! Remember to turn your clocks ahead tonight, Day Light Savings Time starts. Well, at least for most of us in the country.

After all the wonderful warm dry weather we've had over the past few months it is now gone and we are back to what Western Washington is know for, RAIN! Of course that's really good news since we are facing a drought this summer from the lack of snow pack in the mountains.

The poor ski resorts in the Cascade's have had the worst winter in history. All of them closed in late February or earlier but some have been able to open up again in March because of some late snow but it's not going to be enough to save the season. Four years ago Mount Baker, near Bellingham, Washington, set the worlds record for the most snow in one season at 95 feet! Their annual average snowfall is 51 feet. This year they have had an average of about six feet on the ground, pretty pathetic.

As many of you know we are truly pet lovers and the cat that has recently adopted us is providing lots of entertainment. We've always been dog people but we are starting to see what fun cats can be. We could write a whole page on the cute antics she does but we really like hearing about other peoples pets. Ken's cousin Cindy recently sent us a great story about their new dog that we just have to share.

OTIS............(Yellow Lab about 11 months old)

On Tuesday we placed Otis in the kennel so I could go with John to Richmond (him for business, me for relaxation). it was wonderful!! I called the kennel Wednesday from Richmond to let him know what time to expect us that evening. He said that Otis had thrown up his breakfast. He had him just on water. We got home and picked Otis up at 5. He had managed to throw up four more times while still at the kennel. He was no longer even getting water.

We took him to the vet. Three hours later (x-rays, blood work, exam, etc.) they had us take him to the emergency clinic for the night. They could watch him and give him IV's and such.

We took him back to the vet in the morning and they kept him for IV's and observation for 2 days. They still felt that there was something trying to work through his system, but not sure what or if it would.

We brought him home with very strict instructions last evening. Bland diet, watch him carefully, on and on......

He was home about 15 minutes and asked to go outside. John went with him to keep an eye on the poor boy. I went out after a few minutes and found John next to Otis yelling for me. Otis was attempting to pass something.

WELL, gotta love the boy, he passed a pair of my underwear. Totally......! Could have just washed them out and put them on. Needless to say I didn't.

I know, just when life gets good with empty nesting in sight we go off and get an Otis. They say the best antidote to illness, aging, and all other maladies is humor. Look up humor in the dictionary there is a big picture next to it, OTIS!

Hand Make Maple Kitchen Tools

We've been getting a lot of orders for the Woodn' Wares Spoon Oil and the reports back are that they love it. We know it's a great product and use it ourselves. We want to remind you that along with the Spoon Oil we have a large selection of hand crafted hard maple kitchen utensils. Not only do they look nice but they are very functional and designed to be used. If you are still using one of those funky old wooden paddles that you can get at the grocery store then it's time to treat yourself to something new. These tools look great, feel great and work great. For a history of these fine utensils and to order just click on the picture below.

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Thank you,
Ken and Marilyn

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What's New?   OK we can't resist, just a little bit about Miss Kitty Kitty our cat. We mentioned before that she was a really good hunter and earning her keep by bringing us many presents. Nineteen mice in just five months is pretty good. We haven't had any mouse presents for a few weeks so we are thinking that she has reduced or eliminated their population. Just the other day she brought us what looked like a baby mole. We figured that this was great news since we always are fighting the moles.

Ken mentioned this so some of his coworker's and they said that what she brought us sounds more like a Shrew! Sure enough we looked it up on the Internet and it was indeed a Shrew. She has since brought us two more. While this is kind of neat we are really hoping that Shrews and Moles both have the same attraction and as the moles start to show up she'll reduce their population too. Stay tuned :-)


If you've heard it once you've heard it a million times, save, save and save some more, and we're not talking about your 401K! The computer is becoming more and more an integral part of our lives. Many of us do banking on-line and keep our financial records in our computer. With the digital picture age upon us we save all those great family memories on our hard drives. Correspondence, important papers and who knows what all is stored on our hard drives. Now just imagine what happens when your hard drive crashes, and it will!

Hard drives have become very reliable but they are still a mechanical device and will eventually fail. There are many other threats for hard drives too. A nasty virus could wipe it clean, a house fire could melt it into a useless blob. Start protecting yourself now by backing up all your important information and pictures onto CD's or DVD's. If you don't have a CD or DVD burner then use floppies although they don't hold much data. If you have a second drive on your computer then you can use that. Make sure though that you really have a second hard drive and not just one drive that is partitioned into what looks like several drives.

I stumbled onto a program a few weeks ago that seems to work pretty well for doing backups. You can schedule it automatically do backups at a set time. This helps take the hassle out of having to remember to do it. And the best news is that it's a free program. They have a version that you can purchase that has more bells and whistles but so far the free program is working good for us.

Take a look at SyncBack to see if it works for you. You can find it at www.2brightsparks.com. SyncBack SE is the paid version and SyncBack is the free version. There are others out there that you can find by going to Google and looking for "backup software". We just thought we'd tell you about this program because it seems to work pretty good.


Ken's brother Ron has been on a solo trip to the Death Valley area for over a month now and will be there for another month. He is doing lots of exploring for old mines, caves, petroglyph's, geoglyth's and craters. About once a week he makes it into town for groceries, water and to upload his travelogue to the Internet. He's doing this travelogue a little different with lots of great pictures and very few words.

In case you haven't heard Death Valley is having one of the prettiest springs in history with billions of flowers blooming all over the place. The seeds have been dormant for years and all the rain they had this winter made them come to life and it's really quite spectacular.

If you've ever thought about visiting Death Valley or wanted a first hand account of what it's like go to www.blabberon.com/solo_trip_2005.html and check it out. There are soon to be five chapters to this travelogue with more to come.


Envelope Organizer Book

Here's a fun project to help you get organized. You can use this organizer to store seeds, sort coupons, keep track of upcoming bills or just about anything else you can think of.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Envelopes, we used eight
  • Matte board
  • Card stock
  • Strip adhesive (double sided tape)
  • Ribbon
  • Spray adhesive
  • Rubber stamps and ink
  • Colored Pens
First decide how many and what size envelopes you will use. This will determine the size of your matte board and card stock. We used eight small envelopes.

To make the spine of the book measure the width of your envelope and add 1/4" on both sides.

For the length multiply 1" times the number of envelopes plus 2".

On your card stock measure in 1" and fold. Now accordion fold every 1/2" and leave 1" unfolded on the other end. The envelopes will be glued in the "valleys" of the folds. The 1" ends will be glued to the covers. Take your time and be very exact in your folding.

Decorate the envelopes using stamps or what ever you like.

Double back tape the envelopes into the spine folds. Make sure that the envelopes are all facing the same way and are seated in the bottom of each "valley".

For the book covers use two pieces of matte board cut 1/4" larger all the way around than your envelopes.

You can cover the front and back covers using fabric, wrapping paper, card stock or construction paper.

Cut the material 1" larger all the way around than your matte board.

I decorated the construction paper I used before gluing it onto the matte board just in case I mess it up.

Miter the corners so they wrap smoothly over the matte board.

Wrap and glue the material onto the matte board using spray adhesive.

Cut two equal lengths of ribbon to wrap and tie the book closed. I used two pieces 1" wide and 10" long.

Glue about 3" of the ribbon centered to the inside top of the front and back.

Double back tape the front and back covers to the 1" edge of the spine along the inside back edges. Make sure the fronts of the envelopes face forward.

Cut two pieces of card stock to fit 1/8" to 1/4" inside the edges of the cover.

Using spray adhesive glue the card stock to the inside of the front and back covers.

Now you're ready to put your items into the envelopes and tie it up.

We made our Envelope Organizer Book for the garden using a garden theme. These are great for organizing wedding and showers, travel, shopping coupons or anything you can think of.

They can also be used to organize those old photo negatives you have laying around. Glue a photo or write information on the outside of the envelope and put your journaling and negatives inside.

     We hope you enjoy Marilyn's Corner and look forward to all the fun things she brings you each week. If you have a fun project that would be suitable for our newsletter we'd love to share it with our readers. Just contact marilyn@runnerduck.com and we'll do the rest.

Remember we have all of our past projects archived on our web site at www.runnerduck.com. Just click on the Projects or Kids Only Eggs.

Kids Stuff

Start shopping now for huge discounts on action figures, dolls, games, stuffed animals, video games, and tons of other recently marked down toys that we've just added to our Toys Outlet!

The Tempos
News and CD of the Week

NEWS FLASH! The Tempos are getting ready to record another CD. It's been a couple of years since our last effort and we have some new (old) songs and some songs that we've always liked that we want to record. It will be a few months before we get it all done but when we do we'll post all the songs from our CD on our web site just like we did the last one. If you haven't done so yet check out The Tempos music from our "Swing Set" CD on line! That's right, you can listen to The Tempos anytime just by going to their web site. The music files are MP3's and some are as large as 9 MEG but we think they are well worth the download. If you like traditional old swing music then you will probably enjoy our CD. Just go to www.runnerduck.com/tempos_cd.htm and click on any song title.

The Tempos big swing band is available for hire. If you have a special event that could use the wonderful music of a classic sixteen piece big band be sure to contact thetempos@runnerduck.com. We perform all over the Seattle area for all sorts of events.

Album Pick of the Week

"Quiet Village/Enchanted Sea"
Martin Denny

We lost a music innovator this past month. Martin Denny died at age 93. I call him a music innovator because he created what many call the "exotica" sound. He married beautiful swaying music with bird calls, frog croaks and other wild sounds. He spent many years in Hawaii which greatly influenced his sound. He recorded many albums and his most notable is our selection this month.

If you remember the sound but it's been years since you've heard it this is a good opportunity to relive that time. Just click on the album cover below to order.

Be sure and visit the RunnerDuck Music Store for great savings on just about anything.


Remember we now have a Joke of the Month but we have posted a bunch more on our web site. March again was a really slow joke month so there aren't as many as usual. Just go to www.runnerduck.com/apr05_jokes.htm and have fun!

If you have a joke we'd love to hear it and share it. Just sent it to kenandmarilyn at runnerduck.com.

This joke was sent to us by Mike R., thanks Mike!

Think Fast

An elderly man in Florida had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond in the back, fixed up nice; picnic tables, horseshoe courts, and some apple and peach trees. The pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it was built.

One evening the old farmer decided to go to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end.

One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"

The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim naked or make you get out of the pond naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the alligator!"

Moral: Old men can still think fast.

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Chocolate Kahlua Truffle Cookies

This recipe was sent to us by a long time reader. They didn't include their name so we can't give them personal credit but these are some wonderful cookies. Thanks a bunch for sharing!


  • 2 1/2 Cups Oreo Cookie crumbs
  • 1 Cups Nuts, finely chopped
  • 1 Cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1/3 Cup Kahlua
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Water
  • (1) 12 Ounce package Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
  • 2 Ounces White Chocolate Chips
Mix first 4 ingredients. Add enough water so crumbs hold together.
Make 1" balls and place on wax paper.
Melt The Chocolate Chips and dip the cookies.
Drizzle melted White Chocolate Chips over the top.
Refrigerate 20 minutes.
Makes 30 large cookies.

Remember, if you have a recipe you'd like to share please send it to marilyn at runnerduck.com. We'd be happy to post your favorite recipe on our Kitchen site or in our newsletter and give you credit.

     Every month we post a new recipe on our web page. Be sure and check out the New recipe at the RunnerDuck Kitchen Store.


"Recipe Hall of Fame Dessert Cookbook"
by Gwen McKee (Editor), Barbara Moseley (Editor)


Last month we presented you with a cookbook of desserts for diabetics. This month we're doing just the opposite. If sugar doesn't bother you and you love sweets then this cookbook is for you.
Lynne W. Jeter from Ridgeland, MS reviewed this cookbook and wrote the following. I thought the Recipe Hall of Fame Quick and Easy Cookbook: Winning Recipes from Hometown America was so good that I picked up this cookbook, too. There were so many delicious recipes that I had to try several over a weekend. Then I had to walk three miles a day the next week to burn off the extra calories! But it was worth it. Recipes for desserts adaptable to summer or winter menus, casual or formal entertaining, light or rich meal-enders, this cookbook has it all.



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Folding Shelf

This months project was sent to us by Joe in Michigan who has previously contributed to our newsletter with his Stool project. You may remember that nice little stool from our September 10th, 2004 newsletter. This project is a nifty folding shelf that looks nice and folds up to be stored.

Marilyn is really good at decorating the house for different occasions. She has lots of neat stuff that she puts out for Valentine's Day, Easter and other holidays. Sometimes it would be nice to have a shelf to put the extra stuff on and other times it would be nice to have the shelf out of the way. This project fits the ticket perfectly.

Shelf closed.

Here's a list of materials you'll need to buy.

1" X 12" X 36" Clear Pine or your choice of wood.
(4) 1" X 4" X 48"
11' of 3/8" Dowel
(9) 1" Brass Hinges Glue

Cut out the following pieces:

1" X 12" X 36"
Name Dimension
(3) Shelves 10 1/2" X 10 1/2"

1" X 4" X 48"  
Name Dimension
(3) Vertical 1 3/4" X 38"
(1) Vertical 3" X 38"
(8) Cross Members 1 3/4" X 8 3/4"
(1) Hinge Support 3/4" X 38"

3/8" Dowel  
Name Dimension
(4) Lower Dowels 11 1/2"
(4) Middle Dowels 11 3/4"
(4) Top Dowels 8"

The cross members are attached to the vertical supports using mortise and tenon joinery. I got a new tenoning jig for Christmas and this will give me a chance to use it.

I got mine at Woodworkers Supply but other stores have them too.

For the complete instructions on this project go to www.runnerduck.com/fs.htm. We have everything you need there to build this nifty shelf. Thanks again to Joe for the project idea and pictures.

We hope you liked this project. If you build it and your friends ask where you got such a clever idea, please tell them that you got it at RunnerDuck.com.

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If you have a project that you would like to share please send us an email and we'll help get it published in the RunnerDuck review. We are looking for woodworking, gardening, crafts and kids projects so send us your thoughts at projects@runnerduck.com.

     If you want to talk about something just drop us a line at duckmaster@runnerduck.com any time, we like to talk about most anything. We are always looking for content for our newsletter so if you have something to add we'd love to publish it. Assuming it meets our strict family oriented requirements!


Even though we are getting some rain it's going to be too late to make a big dent in the water shortage we are having. In hopes of keeping our plants alive this summer we are storing water in our 55 gallon drum. It's a plastic drum with a screened over fill hole on top and a water valve at the bottom. The screen keeps misquotes out and the water valve allows us to connect a hose for watering.

It's nice to have a rain barrel but what good does it do if you don't get any rain? Well we fill ours up with all the water that we would normally dump down the drain in the house. We keep a bucket near the kitchen sink and we put unused water in there and then pour it into the rain barrel. If we want to have hot water at the sink we put the bucket under the faucet until the water warms up. We like to put hot water into our thermos to heat it up before we put coffee into it. We pour that water into the bucket. It's amazing how fast you can save water with just a little effort.

Oh yeah, just in case you thought it took a lot of rain to fill a 55 gallon barrel it doesn't. If you captured the run off from the roof of a 1,200 square foot house you'd fill the drum with just .3 inches of rain. Now do your part and get to saving!

If you have a conservation tip please send it to conservation@runnerduck.com and we'll post it in our newsletter.

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