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![]() One thing we started last year and plan to continue this year is our Grammy web sight. We put together a site that has all the Grammy award winners for every category and a link to where you can purchase the CD's. Since the Grammy's are this Sunday it will take a little while to get them up but will do it as soon as we can. This is a great resource for all you music lovers because it covers every style of music you can imagine. It's sort of a one stop shopping place to find all the best of the best from 2003. DigiTalkLet's see, he gets lots of emails about enlarging parts of his body, how to get a bachelors degree, offers to participate in offshore financial transactions and other spam like that but send a wholesome family fun newsletter like RunnerDuck and Wham, they put the clamps on. If you all of a sudden stop getting the "Duck" chances are you ISP has done something to you. There is nothing we can do from our end if that happens. Get a hold of your IPS and tell them that you want email from kenandmarilyn@runnerduck.com to get through their filter. Better yet subscribe to our newsletter using a RSS (really simple syndication) news reader like Awasu. Find out more what we are talking about at www.runnerduck.com/rss_info.htm. It's a great way to have your "Duck" delivered right to your desktop without the hassle of email. SITE OF THE WEEK
Have you ever tried Origami, the fine art of folding paper. We're sure you've see all those cute little doves and other foul that many people fold from just plain pieces of paper. Now for the real question, have you ever seen a motorcycle made from paper? Well we hadn't either. This weeks site not only has motorcycles but many different kinds of birds and not the Origami type. These birds look like real birds. It's just amazing what you can do with some paper and a little imagination.
If you have a printer and a little patients you will find this paper art quite fascinating. The directions to make these creations can be quite long and involved but once you see what they make you'll understand.
Just go to, www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/eng/papercraft/ and prepare to become a paper artist!
MARILYN'S CORNERValentine's Hat Box
It's been said that special things come in small packages. Well how about a small pretty package? This hat box project is fun and uses a lot of your creative abilities.
![]() Here's what you'll need:
A small round box with a lid that you can get at the craft store.
Arrange your decorations to make you box look pretty. I cut and put a piece of patterned cloth in the bottom and bordered it with some gold rope. Some ideas for filling the box are, candy, potpourri, a gift certificate or a 20 carrot diamond ring! We hope you enjoy Marilyn's Corner and look forward to all the fun things she brings you each week. If you have a fun project that would be suitable for our newsletter we'd love to share it with our readers. Just contact marilyn@runnerduck.com and we'll do the rest. Remember we have all of our past projects archived on our web site at www.runnerduck.com. Just click on the Projects or Kids Only Eggs.
Kids Stuff
The Tempos
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Right click on the XML link, select Copy Shortcut and paste it into your newsreader. ![]() Don't know what this is all about? Check out our little tutorial HERE!
Q: Please keep your suggestions for dust control coming. We'll be doing an article on dust control in the near future and would love to include your suggestions. Just send your suggestions to projects@runnerduck.com, thank you!
Do you work in an office where conference lights are always on and computer monitors stay on all night? Become an energy champion at work and take a proactive stance against energy waste. The company where I work there are always conference rooms with all the lights on and the video projector just sitting there wasting energy. Every time I see that I turn them off. I've worked with the IT department to make sure that at a minimum the computer is set up so the monitors will go to standby after some period of time. A few little efforts like this in the work place and you can make a big difference. Who knows you may gat a big fat raise for conserving so much energy :-)
If you have a conservation tip please send it to conservation@runnerduck.com and we'll post it in our newsletter.
This is from Tom H., thanks Tom.
Ain't this the truth!
I was tired of being bossed around by my wife; so I went to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist said I needed to build my self-esteem, and so he gave me a book on assertiveness, which I read on the way home. I finished the book by the time I reached my house.
I stormed into the house and walked up to my wife. Pointing a finger in her face, and said, "From now on, I want you to know that "I" am the man of this house, and my word is law! I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I'm finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuous dessert afterwards.
Then, after dinner, you're going to draw me my bath so I can relax. And, when I'm finished with my bath, guess who's going to dress me and comb my hair?"
"The funeral director," she said.
Remember, if you have a recipe you'd like to share please send it to marilyn@runnerduck.com.
Every month we post a new recipe on our web page. Be sure and check out the NEW February recipe on Monday at the RunnerDuck Kitchen Store.
We'd be happy to post your favorite recipe there or in our newsletter and give you credit. Just drop a line to marilyn@runnerduck.com.
Be sure and visit the RunnerDuck Cookbook Store for other great savings on cookbooks and cooking supplies.
Shoe Shine Planter
Since we believe the groundhog didn't see his shadow here is Western Washington we figure it's time to start getting ready for the planting season. Flower planters placed around the yard are always fun, especially when they have a little character to them. We think this shoe shine planter does just that.
Here's what you'll need:
Here's an exploded view of this project. Click on the picture for a bigger view.
Cut all the pieces as shown in the exploded view above.
Use you table saw miter to cut the angles for the sides.
That's it now throw some dirt and seeds in there and wait for spring.
For a great selection of woodworking supplies and tools check out Rockler, Great Prices/Great Selection! They are in the middle of a huge sale with savings up to 50% off.
If you have a project that you would like to share please send us an email and we'll help get it published in the RunnerDuck review. We are looking for woodworking, gardening, crafts and kids projects so send us your thoughts at projects@runnerduck.com
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