What's New? Not much! It seems like January is always sort of a slow month. People are winding down from the hectic holidays and the weather is typically not the greatest. Around our place we fall into that category and have just been taking it easy and enjoying the days.
Last month we did tell you about the weather station we now have on our web site, www.runnerduck.com/weather/kirkland_weather.htm. If you've gone there and found it out of date or just dashes on the page that's because we've been doing some heavy computer maintenance.
Our main computer was displaying the "blue screen of death" more and more frequently and we were afraid that we were going to loose everything. We installed 2 gig of new RAM and a new 120 gig hard drive. Then we reinstalled Windows XP and all the programs and peripherals like the printer, card reader, scanner and most importantly the weather station. Everything is pretty much up and running again and you should see fewer and fewer outages on our weather site.
This month we'd really like to talk about email etiquette. We know people are in a hurry these days but it sure would be nice if they would just slow down for a second and think about the other person. When you forward an email the same way that you received it it carries along a lot of baggage. It will usually have all the people from the previous send list included at the top, DELETE IT! I really don't need to see who all else in the world has received the email.
Some email programs just include the forwarded email as an attachment. Please don't do that! If you have to, copy the email, create a new one and paste it into that one. We hate it when we get an email that we have to open the attachment which has another attachment which has... you get the picture. Rather than you taking a minute to clean things up you just pass it along and then all the people you sent it to have to deal with it. Be a nice person and think of the next guy.
Lastly, the keyboard has upper case letters and also lower case letters. PLEASE turn off the "Caps Lock"! When you send an email in all capitals it is considered yelling. Nobody likes to be yelled at!
A little courtesy on your part could sure make life better for all the people you send or forward email too. I'll now relinquish my soap box and get back to reading my email :-)
Do you ever have a hard time getting something clean or getting an odor out of your car or your house? If so this month we have some help for you. The idea for the site started with a group of cleaning professionals getting together to exchange tips and techniques. The idea developed in what you see today.
There are more than 1300 free cleaning tips on this site, and growing every day. It has a nifty little search engine where you can enter "How do I clean ______ from ______? I tried some different combinations and it worked pretty good.
To find out how to clean something just go to www.howtocleananything.com and start cleaning things up!
Denim Pins and Ornaments
Here's a nice little project to make a Valentines pin or ornaments for another holiday that is much later in the year ;-) They are fun to make and look nice too. It's one of those great projects to do with your kids and they make great gifts (the pins not the kids :-)
Here's what you'll need:
- All cotton denim fabric (it must be all cotton)
- Straight back pin
- Decoupage medium
- Cookie cutter shapes with open tops
- Scissors
- Wooden toothpick
- Household glue
- Towels
- Tacky glue
- Notions and trimmings
- Blender
- Sieve
Cut strips of denim 1" wide. Cut the ends of the strips into 1/8" wide pieces. You'll need about a cup of this "minced" fabric.

Fill a blender with water, add the "minced" pieces and blend on high until it is a mushy consistency.
Lay 2 - 3 towels out flat on top of each other.
Place the cookie cutters on top of the towels.
Using your fingers scoop the fabric pulp out of the blender and place it into a sieve. Let the water drain out, do not squeeze the water out.
Put the pulp into the cookie cutters and press it down to about 1/4" thick. Be sure to push it into the corners really good. A toothpick or skewer works good for this.

Carefully remove the cookie cutter and let them dry two to three days. You can place them in the oven below 170 degrees F to speed the drying.
After they are thoroughly dry paint them all over with decoupage medium. Paint both side and the edges. Let dry.
Cut a backing for your pin from denim fabric to the shape allowing 1/8" to 1/4" all the way around.
Cut a slit in the backing for your straight back pin base.

Glue the fabric to your shape using tacky glue but don't glue the slit for the straight back pin base.
Glue the straight back pin base to the pin using household glue and glue the flap over the top of the base.
Add embellishments to the front of the pin or ornaments. Let your artistic side show!
Here are some other patterns I made.

That's it, have fun and try all kinds of shapes.
Remember we have all of our past projects archived on our web site at www.runnerduck.com. Just click on the Craft Egg.
Kids Stuff
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The Tempos
News and CD of the Week
It's not too late to get The Tempos "Big Swing" CD!
"Big Swing" features fourteen great swing songs from the 40's and 50's. If you love the old big band swing music we think you'll enjoy this CD. It's the kind of music that makes you just want to get up and dance, you do remember how to swing don't you?
The only place you can get this CD is from our web site. Go to www.thetempos.com and click on the "Click Here" at the top of the web page or
We only printed up a thousand of them so get yours before the are all gone!
If you'd like to get a taste of this CD just go to The Tempos web site. When you are at the Tempos web site click on the horn valve button that says "Hear our CD". Then click on the song titles to hear a little bit of each song.
The Tempos big swing band is available for hire. If you have a special event that could use the wonderful music of a classic sixteen piece big band be sure to contact kennyb@runnerduck.com. We perform all over the Seattle area for all sorts of events.
Album Pick of the Week

Oh boy a new fantastic CD! Technology has brought together the impossible, Ray Charles and Count Basie. The two never recorded together but here on this CD you get them both, well almost.
Ray Charles recorded a live concert about thirty years ago but it was never released. It was only a two track recording on which his voice was perfect but the band was not. The fabulous Count Basie band lives on even though the Count passed away a number of years ago. Special arrangements were made for the Basie band around the vocalizing of the Ray Charles concert. This compilation is the best of both worlds.
If you love Ray Charles and want to here him at his best with a big band that can't be beat this is a must have CD.
Are you one of those people who keep your computer on all day so you can respond to email as soon as they come in? Here are a couple of suggestions to save a buck or two.
When you are not in front of the computer turn the monitor off. Everything else will keep working just fine and you'll still get your notifications when an email arrives, "You've got mail!". The second best thing is to set your power setting in "Display Properties" to a low number like fifteen minutes. To get to this setting right click on your desktop and select "Properties" from the drop down box. Click on the "Screen Saver" tab and then "Power" near the bottom of that box.
A third alternative is to purchase a new flat panel display. These consume about 2/3 less power than a conventional computer monitor. They also have the added benefit of taking up less space on your desk.
If you have a conservation tip please send it to kennyb at runnerduck.com and we'll post it in our newsletter.
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If you are looking for a great web hosting service with fantastic support check out www.fastwirenetwork.com. If you mention that you heard about them from RunnerDuck you will get a "Duck Deal". Just ask about your Duck Deal when you sign up.
RSS News Feeder
One of the best ways to get our newsletter is to have it delivered to your door step. Actually it would be delivered to your desktop!
Highlight the XML link (right click and drag over it), select Copy and paste it into your newsreader.
Or just paste http://www.runnerduck.com/runnerduck.xml into your newsreader.
A good free news reader is Awasu and you can download it at www.awasu.com.
Don't know what this is all about? Check out our little tutorial HERE!
Kahlua Dipped Strawberries
It's almost Valentines Day so how about a sweet treat to have along with that glass of champagne? These are really good any time all by themselves. This is a really sweet treat and you may want to skip the sugar, it's still good without it.
- 12 ounces Semisweet Chocolate Chips
- 1/4 Cup Sugar
- 1/2 Cup Hot Coffee
- 2 Tablespoons Corn Starch, dissolved in 1 Tablespoon Cold Water
- 1 Tablespoon Kahlua
- 3 Tablespoons Kahlua
- 2-3 Baskets of Fresh Strawberries, frozen strawberries are good too
Mix Chocolate, Coffee and Sugar in a saucepan.
Stir over medium heat until the chocolate is melted and the sugar dissolves.
Add Corn Starch and one tablespoon of Kahlua, mix and stir until thick.
Remove from the heat and add the rest of the Kahlua.
Mix well and cool.
To serve, clean and dry the Strawberries and dip by hand or with a skewer.
Makes one cup of dip.
Remember, if you have a recipe you'd like to share please send it to Marilyn at runnerduck.com. We'd be happy to post your favorite recipe on our Kitchen site or in our newsletter and give you credit.
Every month we post a new recipe on our web page. Be sure and check out the New recipe at the RunnerDuck Kitchen Store.
"Making Artisan Chocolates:
by Andrew Garrison Shotts

Another thing that goes over really big on Valentines Day is chocolates. This fabulous cookbook will show you how to make just about every kind of chocolate treat imaginable.
Robin N. Uncapher reviewed this book and wrote: "If you have ever worked through a long difficult candy recipe only to have it inexplicably fail--this is a good book for you.
The great strength of Making Artisan Chocolates is in the specificity of the directions. Making candy is unlike most kinds of cooking in that there is almost no room for error. Many candy recipes fail because they give general instructions with the idea that the cook knows how the candy is supposed to look, or feel at a given stage.
Instead of trusting that his reader is experienced, Shotts gives specific instructions, right down to which brand of chocolate will temper at which temperature. He charts guidelines for compatible ingredients and kinds of chocolate.
Thanks to Andrew Shotts I made my first successful chocolates last weekend. They were the best my family had ever tasted, and they looked gorgeous!"
Download WOOD Store® woodworking plans directly to your computer and start building in just minutes! OR, we'll mail them to you, your choice!
Japanese Saw and Chisel Rack
This project is pretty simple but solves a big problem. I got a set of Japanese saws for Christmas and I needed a place to store them. I sure didn't want them just laying around on benches or in cabinets. I decided that as long as I was building a place to store my saws I could use a place to store my chisels also. You'll need to adjust this project to fit your particular tools but maybe it will spur some ideas.
 Dozuki Dovetail/Flush-Cut Saw
Here's what I used:
- Back Board - 1/2" Oak 2" X 44"
- Face Board - 1/4" Maple 2" X 29"
- Spacers - 9/32" Maple 1" X 2"
- Magnetic knife holder
- Glue
- (2) hole plugs
I purchased a magnetic knife holder at Fred Meyer for about $14.00. I believe you can get cheaper ones at wood stores for storing tools.
Cut the back board 2" X 44".
Cut the Face Board 2" X 29. Remember, your lengths may vary.
For the layout leave space on one end for the magnetic holder and a screw for mounting to the wall. On the other end leave enough space for a mounting screw.
Lay your chisels along the back board to get the correct spacing. Depending on the size of the chisel handles you may need to adjust the width of the spacers. I cut mine 1" wide. I also had to plane them down to 9/32" to get a nice fit for my chisels. Again your dimension may be different. I cut two pieces 1/2" wide for each end. I only have a few chisels right now so I've left open space on the end for more chisels. I placed the 1/2" in spacer at the end.

 Irwin Marples Blue Chip 6-Pc. Chisel Set
Use a square to align the spacers. Mark along the edge of each spacer to make gluing easier.
Apply glue to the spacers, align and clamp them to the back board.

After the glue has dried apply glue to the spacers and clamp on the face board.

Install the magnetic holder using the supplied hardware.
Drill a mounting hole in each end. I allowed room for a 3/8" wood plug to hide the screw.
Apply your favorite finish and you're ready to hang on the wall.
Mount it on your wall and you are ready to load it up with your saws and chisels.
This project is also posted on our web site at www.runnerduck.com/saw-chisel_rack/saw-chisel_rack.htm
If you have a project that you would like to share please send us an email and we'll help get it published in the RunnerDuck review. We are looking for woodworking, gardening, crafts and kids projects so send us your thoughts at kennyb@runnerduck.com.
January has even been a slow month for jokes. Here's one from Ken's brother Ron that's pretty cute. If you've got a joke please send it to kennyb @ runnerduck.com we'd love to share it with our readers.
Sister Margaret Katherine entered the Monastery of Silence.
The Priest said, "Sister, this is a silent monastery. You are welcome here as long as you like, but you may not speak until I direct you to do so."
Sister Margaret Katherine lived in the monastery for 5 years before the Priest said to her, "Sister Margaret Katherine, you have been here for 5 years. You can speak two words."
Sister Margaret Katherine said, "Hard bed."
"I'm sorry to hear that," the Priest said, "We will get you a better bed."
After another 5 years, Sister Margaret Katherine was called by the Priest. "You may say another two words, Sister Margaret Katherine."
"Cold food," said Sister Margaret Katherine, and the Priest assured her that the food would be better in the future.
On her 15th anniversary at the monastery, the Priest again called Sister Margaret Katherine into his office. "You may say two words today."
"I quit," said Sister Margaret Katherine.
"It's probably best," said the Priest, "You've done nothing but complain since you got here."
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If you want to talk about something just drop us a line to kennyb@runnerduck.com any time, we like to talk about most anything. We are always looking for content for our newsletter so if you have something to add we'd love to publish it. Assuming it meets our strict family oriented requirements!
All rights reserved, RunnerDuck Productions, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
RunnerDuck and its logos are property of
RunnerDuck Productions.
All other logos are property of the individual companies.
We can be contacted at kennyb@runnerduck.com.
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